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Bvdub - To Live - FISH8CM-BV - 3" CDr - April 2009


Bvdub. A familiar name around these parts I'm sure you'll agree? With releases on Styrax, Millions Of Moments, Shoreless and his own Quietus imprint, to name a few, Brock Van Wey has carved a unique and well deserved place in many peoples hearts, my own included. And it's with that in mind that I'm proud to be able to bring you this frankly incredible piece of work from someone who I consider to be a dear friend.

When we first talked about this project I don't think either of us had any real idea of where it was going to end up. The only thing I knew was that it would be exceptional and that, as it turns out, was a huge underestimation. The first time I heard To Live I simply fell in love with it - I was listening to it on the tube on the way into work and I'm not ashamed to admit that it brought more than one tear to my eye. To know that this was specifically written for me and Smallfish was an honour, but the end result was so incredible that I was pretty much overcome with emotion. It wasn't to be the last time either. Since then I've listened to it on a regular basis and every single time I hear it it completely blows me away.

It's a work of 3 distinct movements - movements is a good word as it's more than a little classically inclined - which work in different ways. Everything you could hope for and want from bvdub is here; emotion, depth, beauty, atmosphere and an intense sense of melancholy, but it's multiplied 10-fold by a seriously amazing arrangement that allows everything to build and fade, ebb and flow, envelop you and enchant you. It's like he has a direct route into my brain and has picked out all the things I really love about his music then turned them into my ideal track - the complete break into silence, then a quiet piano melody, the slow, sure build up of layers of sound and texture, the sheer sadness of the chords. All of those things are present and together they make for 20 minutes of pure emotional lusciousness.

This is, in my opinion, Brock's finest hour to date and something that by its very nature has an utterly timeless appeal. All I would urge you to do is listen to it on headphones and enjoy the whole piece in one sitting as I believe that's how it was made to be experienced. I'm biased, I know, but this really is a deeply special release and I have to say I'm 100% thrilled to be releasing it. Truly stunning.


Audio to follow shortly


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